Detect History ( is a free online resource that strives to offer helpful content and comparison features to its visitors. To keep this resource 100% free for users, we receive advertising compensation from Amazon Associates Programme and Affiliate Programme. Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where offers appear on the page including, for example, the order in which they appear.
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Our reviews feature referral links. When you follow the link it leads you to our partner’s website.
If you are interested in some products after reading our reviews, you can purchase those products on our partner’s website.
If you purchase any product on our partner’s website by following the referral link, the partner pays us a small commission with no extra costs for you.
You as a customer never pay more to finance the commission we get. It is our partner who pays the commission to us, after you make a purchase.
The commissions earned are necessary to manage the website, paying for domain and hosting, providing new and interesting content. Below, you can find out more aspects that are financed by the commissions we earn from the partner.
To provide adequate and informative reviews, instead of simply copying facts and features from the manufacturer’s website, we need to rent or buy metal detectors and accessories. This is the main item of expense for our budget. Only when the product is reviewed after actual field test and practical application, we can offer you an objective and trustworthy review.
On the screenshots above, you can see how Detect History website changed and evolved with time. We improve the design and coding of the platform on a regular basis, to fix the bugs and offer more convenience in navigation. This means expenditures on coding and designing, too.
Sometimes, we manage to provide truly unique content and insights for you, for example, by visiting the metal detector manufacturer’s office, take an interview, get a peek into manufacturing processes, etc. This, obviously, also means additional expenses.
Your support is incredibly important for us. We are happy to provide the best metal detector reviews and offer other interesting information to our readers. Your support matters! Thank you so much for being with us.
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«Digging only clear valuable metal signals saves time and effort, but decreases the number of good finds by 2-3 times »