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Nokta has released a new metal detector called The Legend by the end of 2021, making all Nokta fans happy. The new machine is a Multi Frequency one, waterproof, with tons of cool features, and one of the best things is that it is very affordable, regardless of its top tech specs. Nokta Legend has all the potential of becoming another wildly popular metal detector in the community.
Of course more information will be added to the Nokta Legend review as the manufacturer makes the full documentation available, and especially after metal detectorists will be able to get their hands on the new machine to test it in the field. The shipping to global distributors will begin in December 2021, but the availability of the new Nokta The Legend in each country depends on many other factors. Stay tuned and we will add more information about the tech specs and tuning of The Legend soon.
The metal detector is capable of using several frequencies at once, to enhance the search and hit many types of targets
The metal detector can use one frequency at a time from the many frequencies available, for narrower targeting
DD coils are among the most versatile and efficient coil configurations, showing nice performance on different soils and with different targets
This mode enables the metal detector to perform in a stable manner in salt water without giving false signals caused by high water mineralization
Waterproof - up to 10 feet waterproof metal detector allows deeper detecting and even diving
Vibration is handy in noisy surroundings or underwater, but detectorists with hearing issues can also find it useful for better experience
Wireless headset gives enhanced flexibility, mobility, and convenience, both on land and underwater
This search mode enables the metal detector to spot targets more efficiently
Besides factory modes, the metal detector has free slots for custom settings that can be saved by the user
Enables the detectorist to tune the ground balance depending on the search conditions
Prevents the metal detector from false signals caused by the electromagnetic interference from other sources
This feature enables the metal detector to avoid the frequency that falls in resonance with signals from another source
The new Nokta Legend metal detector has impressive tech specs that make it a serious competitor in the niche. Besides, there are a bunch of cool features and setting options that make this metal detector highly customizable and user-friendly. The full list of tech specs and features will be available after Nokta makes full documentation available. For now, the key features are shortly described above.
Besides the features, Nokta Legend is remarkable due to the following:
Obviously it is hard to evaluate the new Nokta Legend metal detector, and this Nokta Legend review will be improved as soon as more info is provided.
The control box for Nokta Legend has a backlit custom LCD display. The settings and tuning are done with the help of buttons under the display. These include On/Off button, Volume regulation, Settings menu, Ground Balance, etc.
The display has the following indications: Ferrocheck indication, sensitivity level, depth of reach level, frequency, discrimination, search mode, battery level, clock, etc. The display is very comprehensive as well as the buttons for tuning, however, the actual setting routines will need some background knowledge and also practice, since The Legend metal detector, although being user-friendly, is not really beginner-friendly.
Search mode which settings are optimized for typical public park grounds, not very trashy, not highly mineralized, and usually covered with vegetation, promising small targets.
This mode works best in the fields where the levels of mineralization differ, as well as the range of the target types is much wider in terms of size, depth, and composition.
There are two sub-modes in this mode, one is better for underwater search, the other for wet sand search, but both work well with salty, highly mineralized environments.
Search mode specifically optimized for gold prospectors, works well on complicated terrains full of hot and cold rocks, targeting from gold dust to gold nuggets.
4 additional slots provided by the manufacturer allow the user to create own unique combinations of settings for their unique environments or locations.
This mode allows to spot the targets more accurately, define their location and depth, and prevent damaging the targets when digging them out.
The new metal detector by Nokta, The Legend, may definitely become legendary with time, because its list of features and tech specs is for sure impressive. Despite being pretty user-friendly, and comprehensive in its functions, The Legend metal detector is not really a beginner-level, and it shows. The very combination of features proves that this metal detector was actually created for treasure hunters who detect on complicated terrains, and look for complicated targets, which beginners do not usually do. The list below shortly describes all the features and tech specs provided in Nokta Legend metal detector.
At the time of writing this Nokta Legend review, there are three search coils already available for Nokta Legend metal detector:
However, since there are two kits for The Legend, each kit has different search coils included. Please double-check what coil goes where.
Each coil has its coil covers that can be bought additionally from the Accessories for Legend metal detector.
Nokta does a very good job immediately releasing different necessary accessories for their metal detectors. This way, more advanced metal detectorists are able to get everything they need, fast.
For The Legend, the following accessories will be available:
The new Nokta The Legend metal detector will be available in two packages, but it is important to underline that the metal detector itself will be the same in both packages. There is only one version of The Legend by Nokta. The differences between the kits will be the accessories.
The basic kit is Nokta The Legend metal detector with wireless bluetooth headphones and 11 inches search coil.
The Pro kit is The Legend with bluetooth headphones, 6 inches coil, 11 inches coil, a replaceable waterproof lithium battery, and a charger for the battery.
Nokta The Legend ✅ New Metal Detector 2021
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