How To Identify Faults In Metal Detector On Your Own

How To Identify Faults In Metal Detector On Your Own

There are frequent cases when the detectorist has to deal with inadequate performance of the metal detector right in the field, in the middle of metal detecting on the location. The most frequent situation is when the detector starts giving out tons of fake signals without obvious reasons. For sure, no treasure hunter wants to stop, collect their things and rush to the customer service immediately to find out what’s up. However, there is no need to do that, because it is totally possible to handle the problem on your own.

Problem 1: Untypical Signals

One of the most widespread issues is untypical or fake signals. Here is what one should do:

  • check the battery, whether it is charged and working properly, because fake signals are frequent when the battery is almost dead. It is always a good idea to have an additional set of batteries when you go to any location.
  • next, check whether there are power lines around the patch you are combing through. Radiointerference, or other metal detectors close to you can also cause fake signals. To handle this issue, use frequency shift, if such function is present. If not, you should probably move to another location.
  • another potential reason is powerful gadgets in your pockets or even in the backpack. Modern devices are powerful sources of signals, and sensitive detectors can react to them, as well.
  • after you have made the previous steps, fake signals should have been removed. If not, check the metal detector itself, the reason must be the machine itself.

If the problem lies in the metal detector itself, you have to find out whether it is the coil or the control unit. To check that, use additional compatible coil, your or another detectorist’s. If the coil functions well, than your coil has a fault. If the borrowed coil fails, as well, it means the problem is in the control unit. In this case, you definitely need expert’s advice. You won’t be able to fix the control unit on your own.

Problem 2: Search Coil

Now, the majority of problems that cause faults in the coil can be fixed on your own directly in the field.

  • if the weather is hot, the transmitter gets hot as well, and the loop starts giving you phantom signals
  • if you work in wet weather, or the location has wet grass etc., the same effect can be caused by water getting into the coil
  • if you use coil cover, keep in mind that sand, dirt, or water can still get underneath, preventing the coil from proper performance. So take the cover off from time to time and clean it.
  • sometimes the problem is not in the coil itself, but in the cable. Try to move it back and forth, and if performance of the coil renews, the cause is in the jackplug.

Problems That Can’t Be Solved In the Field

Yet, not all issues can be solved directly in the field. There are issues that require expert’s advice and maintenance:

  • failed mounting in the coil due to physical damage
  • malaxation caused by heat
  • damaged loop

If the issue with metal detector is not fake or untypical signals, and you experience loss of depth, or inability of the machine to recognize certain metals, maybe the damage is serious, and you’d better take the device to maintenance.


Nobody is happy having trouble with a metal detector right in the field. Luckily, if the machine is by reliable manufacturer, you are likely to quickly fix the issue on your own. If the issue is more serious, remember that branded Customer Services are more reliable.

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